02-16-2025: Added a new page to the Projects section.
Collages, where I share what happens when I chop up old magazines and electric bills.
01-10-2025: I added a
Free Ideas page. Looking for your next project? Consider these piping hot free ideas.
01-04-2025: I added a
Free Stuff page! I plan on sharing lots here, but I started out with
scans of some interesting old magazines I've been hoarding.
01-02-2025: Added a list of my
favorite movies, books, concerts, etc. of 2024.
12-31-2024: Another biggish overhaul to the look of the site. It's much closer to my vision, so I think I'll leave it as is for now. Still want to update the Found Objects and Halloween pages to make them a bit tidier, but that can wait until I have more time.
12-17-2024: Added Artifact 6 to the playing cards collection on my
Found Objects collection page. This is my favorite card addition yet.
12-07-2024: More updates to the
Media Log.
12-01-2024: Added a movie to the
Media Log.
11-27-2024: Added a couple of projects to the
Fiber Arts page.
11-25-2024: Added a movie to the
Media Log.
11-20-2024: Major updates to the site's look and feel. I'm not entirely satisfied with some pages, but much happer with things overall.
11-09-2024: Added a movie and a concert to the
Media Log.
10-23-2023: Added a movie to the
Media Log.
10-18-2024: Added a small update to the
Writing page.
10-16-2024: Added a new concert to the
Media Log.
10-06-2024: Added the
Blog page and my first blog entry.
10-05-2024: Added a new movie to the
Media Log. Added a new artifact (Artifact #5) to the
Found Objects page. Added a finished knitting project to the
Projects page.
9-2-2024: Halloween collection page created. I collect Halloween items. I mostly focus on vintage items, but I have plenty of cool contemporary and handmade items as well. This page shares some of my favorite pieces in my collection.
8-24-2024: Found Objects collection page created. This is a small collection of random items I've found on the street since about 2012. I'm not super happy with how the page looks, but my skills are limited so I'm going to call it done for now.
8-9-2024: Barbie Mall page created. This is my childhood collection of Barbie clothes from the 90s and early 00s. I recently donated them, but I wanted to create a photo archive first. I hope other people find as much delight in it as I do!
8-7-2024: Links page created. It's where I'll add web resources, knitting resources, cool shops and artists, and other fun stuff.
7-21-2024: Media Log page created. This is where I'll share movies and TV shows I watch, books I read, and concerts I go to. I still need to add in some things missing from earlier this year.
7-12-2024: Projects page created. This is where I'll share my completed fiber arts. I mostly do knitting, but there may be weaving and needle felting projects there as well.
6-17-2024: About page updated. You'll find some basic info about me, as well as some thoughts about why I created this website. It will probably evolve over time as I gather my thoughts.
6-09-2024: Index page created. That's where you are right now. In case you're wondering, the design of this page was inspired by the song "Teddy Bears' Picnic," which I love. You can listen to a version of it